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Inverse Records

Finnish bombastic metal band Corrosium released a new EP Undertow via Inverse Records. In addition to previously released music video Bleeding Starlight, a new music video is also made from ‘I Remain’ track. The band comments:“We started making this EP from a different situation than the debut album. This time all songs were composed specifically for Corrosium, whereas the […]

Finnish melodic metal band Dead End Finland released a new single Wounded & Bleeding. The track is released again in collaboration with Inverse Records and it is included on an upcoming EP which is released in late 2021.    Guitarist & Bass player Santtu Rosén comment: “Inter Vivos album, released in the beginning of the year, was supposed to be our only […]

LUCYNINE – Firmano per Inverse Records! La finlandese Inverse Records annuncia l’entrata nel suo roster del progetto italiano Lucynine. Lucynine nasce nel 2013 come studio project del poli-strumentista, cantante e produttore Sergio Bertani. Il debutto “Chronicles from Leri”, EP di 5 tracce tra trip hop, psichedelia e death metal, riscosse una buona visibilità, anche grazie alla presenza di ospiti del calibro […]

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3:00 am 6:00 am